Wednesdays with Wolf

Minutes of Gold: Contemplating the Psychology of Conflict Resolution

Episode Summary

In this episode Wolf and I discuss the psychology of conflict resolution as it pertains to the world today. "Otherism" is a constant swirling around us. How do we respond in a mature manner in order to move change forward? As Wolf says, "the control that needs to be exerted in this world is over ourselves". The role each of us plays when we govern ourselves will have collective influences. Can we conquer ourselves and our unconscious habits to be conflictual? Join us and contemplate!

Episode Notes

Quote from Victor Frankl's book Man's Search for Meaning.

"... From all this we learn that there are two races of men in this world, but only these two - the race of decent man and the race of indecent man.  Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society.  No group consists of entirely decent or indecent people..."

Minutes of Gold 

Two or three minutes---two or three hours,

What do they mean in this life of ours?

Not very much if but counted as time,

But minutes of gold and hours sublime,

If only we’ll use them once in a while

To make someone happy—make someone smile,

A minute may dry a little child’s tears,

An hour sweep aside trouble of years,

Minutes of my time may bring to an end

Hopelessness somewhere, and bring me a friend.

Author Unkown 

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